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Forest School


What is Forest School?

‘Forest School is an inspirational process that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees’.

(Forest School Association)


Please click on the picture below to watch a video from the FSA to find out more:

Forest School provides children with the opportunities to:

- see, explore and experience the natural world through all four seasons

- work together

- develop communication and language skills

- be creative

- develop gross and fine motor skills

- learn about being safe when near a fire or handling tools

- build their self-esteem

- develop independence

- develop respect and a love of our plants, trees and animals

- take (calculated) risks


At Conifers Primary School, we aim to provide Forest School opportunities for our KS2 children for a minimum of six sessions over the academic year on site. Currently, this takes place during Year Four. Please read our handbook for more detail about how Forest School is delivered.


                            Please click on the picture below to read our Forest School Handbook:



We focus on four key areas within our Forest School and consider these when planning:

  • Self-awareness

  • Fire Craft and cooking

  • Tool Use

  • Environmental awareness


However, all of our planning is led by the children’s interests and specific needs. The forest school practitioners will be dynamically planning and risk assessing during each session accordingly. Progression is built on naturally.


Whatever the weather…

"There is no such thing as poor weather; just poor clothing!"

We will always be out for our sessions, regardless of weather. Rain can be a lot of fun! There are times, for example, when there are very high winds, where we may need to adjust our location and/or plans. On rare occasions, the session will take place indoors or be cancelled.


Kit list:

Children need to wear a long sleeved top, long trousers and long socks.

They should have an extra layer and a waterproof coat

When it is very rainy, waterproof trousers are recommended

A pair of old trainers/wellington boots/walking boots

They should have a sun hat and sun cream in hot weather

They should have a woolly hat and gloves in very cold weather

All children should have a water bottle to bring with them


Here is a little taster of what we get up to:

Cartoon Tree 2.jpg
Forest School Sign.jpg
Forest School Handbook Sign.jpg

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