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Safer Internet Day 2023

Want to talk about it?
Making space for conversations about life online

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The aim of Safer Internet Day is to make space for conversations about life online. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees thousands of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.


Each year in the UK, Safer Internet Day explores a new issue or theme which is impacting the lives on young people in the UK. The 2023 theme is “Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online”. We are celebrating by putting children and young people’s voices at the heart of the day and encouraging them to shape the online safety support that they receive. We are hoping to encourage all parents, carers, family and friends of our children to take time to listen to children and young people and make positive change together.


Find out more about Safer Internet Day and information about this year's themes as well as previous themes by visiting:

On the website, you will find quizzes, information for parents/carers, activities, videos and links to help you and your family stay safe online.


In school, each year group did different activities around the Safer Internet Day theme:


Reception - The children listened to a story about a magic window. They discussed good things they want to see through the window and things that they would not want to see. This was linked to what they want to see on the internet and things they would not.


Year 1 - Year 1 looked at appropriate websites, games and apps and discussed who to tell if you see something inappropriate. The children watched a video about being kind online and discussed the importance of kindness. Each class came up with a set of rules for staying safe online.


Year 2 -  The children in Year 2 read a story about a magic window and discussed what to do if they see something in person that upsets them. They transferred this to being linked with seeing things on the internet that upsets them. Year 2 discussed the importance of a healthy amount of screen time.


Year 3 - Year 3 created a poster outlining how to stay safe online including the importance of protecting your password, being positive online, making good choices online and asking an adult before downloading games or apps.


Year 4 -The children discussed what they loved about the internet and what they wished to change about the internet. Year 4 looked at PEGI ratings and grouped games into what rating we thought they were then learned what rating they were actually rated. Then they discussed what to do in online situations such as scams and mean behaviour.


Year 5 - Year 5 created a top tips video in groups with information about why to use a screen name and secure password, how to protect each other and why you need to consider what is posted online.


Year 6 - The Year 6 students looked at the importance of a healthy amount of screen time as well as how to make good choices online to protect themselves and their friends and family. They used drama to act out scenarios and discuss what should be done.

Take a look at some of our children's 'Safer Internet Day' work below by clicking on the picture and then on the arrows:

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