Y5 Visit to Tout Quarry with WOEC
Year 5 enjoyed their trip to Tout Quarry with WOEC. The children put on their hard hats and had great fun rock hopping and stone...
'On The Farm - Year 1 Visit to Farmer Palmers
Year 1 had a wonderful time at Farmer Palmers to conclude our 'On the Farm' topic. We loved seeing all of the animals, particularly the...
Year 4 Visit to Hooke Court
Year 4 had an amazing time on their 3 day residential to Hooke Court. We experienced Greek stories and learnt how to spell our names in...
Y3 Willow Class Visit to the East Dorset Museum
Here's what the children had to say about their visit: Pupil Voice: “I loved handling all the artefacts!” “Making a wattle and daub wall...
Year 5 Go To The Movies - Local Industry Study
As part of our Local Industries Topic, Year 5 were fortunate to be given the opportunity to watch a private screening at Cineworld...
Y3 Visit The Tutankhamun Museum
On Friday 20th May 2022 Year 3 had a school trip to the Tutankhamun Museum in Dorchester as part of their History Topic 'Walking with the...
Y4 Roman Topic Visit to Dorchester Museum
To conclude our topic of Romans, Year 4 had an exciting day at Dorchester Museum! We learnt all about archaeology and had great fun...
Year 2 Visit to Monkey World
Year 2 enjoyed a fascinating trip to Monkey World on Friday 1st April.
Y4 Hooke Court Trip
Before half term, Year 4 embraced all weathers on a 3-day residential. From den building to night walks and cooking to fire starting...