Year 5 Plastic Pollution Topic
To start our new topic of Plastic Pollution, the children took part in a litter pick around the school. They then had to place their...
Diversity Day
Conifers celebrated LGBT History month in February by bringing the whole school together to; appreciate and celebrate difference,...
"Only One You" - Whole School Creative Art Project
These banners and painted stones were created as part of a whole school creative art project linked to the book 'Only One You' by Linda...
Y5 Volcano Topic Begins with Explosive Impact Days
Year 5 had an explosive two day Impact day. The children had a blast building volcanoes from junk modelling and using papier mache. The...
Year 2 'My World' Impact Day
We had a great day today. The children came to school dressed up as a country of their choice. They introduced their country and shared...
Year 6 Celebration of Learning
Year 6 have produced some beautiful work, which is currently on display. This includes our mathematical investigation into the artist...
Year 5 Maths England Week
Year 5 had a fantastic, creative maths lesson to celebrate Maths England Week outside the classroom. The children were looking at place...
Ancient Greek Timeline
As classes, we discussed the meaning of BC and AD on a timeline. Then in groups we placed key time periods that we have studied in other...
Y4 Hooke Court Trip
Before half term, Year 4 embraced all weathers on a 3-day residential. From den building to night walks and cooking to fire starting...
Year 5 Vikings and Anglo Sacxons
Year 5 had a fantastic last day of term by celebrating their Viking and Anglo-Saxon topic. The children took part in several, creative...