Y4 Pine Class Ancient Greece Impact day
Year 4 had a fabulous time in Ancient Greece! They created Greek patterns, made togas and even tried Greek food. Hummus was a huge hit!...
Year 4 Residential Visit to The New Barn Field Centre
At the end of October, some Year 4 children braved the cold and spent two nights away on a residential to New Barn Field Centre in...
Pine Science Experiment Our Digestive System
We recreated the digestive system using: tights,banana , biscuits, water and orange juice.
Safer Internet Day 2024
Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online. The aim of Safer Internet Day is to inspire...
Y4 Ash: Forest School
Group one have started their forest school sessions where we have been busy building dens, lighting fires and learning about team work.
Y4 Ash: Music and Samba
We have started to learn Samba as a class - the rhythm is impressive!
Y4 Ash Class: Art Lessons
We have been thinking about the role of the plinth in art and used clay to represent ourselves on a plinth.
Y4 Ash: Science investigation about animals in our local area
Year 4 went outside for our recent science investigation, on the hunt for animals from our local environment. We found pigeons, cats,...
Y4 Visit to Dorchester Museum - Ash Class
I had the privilege of attending a school trip with Ash class during my very first week at Conifers. This was a special treat indeed! We...
Y4 Visit to Dorchester Museum - Pine Class
Year 4 enjoyed a trip to a local museum in Dorchester to learn about Roman settlements in Dorset. They used their detective skills...