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The Governors of
Conifers Primary School

Who are we and what do we do?

Dorothy Woods:     Chair of Governors. Mentor to new Governors. Pupil Premium,                                     EYFS and Assessment Link Governor. Health & Safety Governor.

Dan Dyer:                Vice-Chair of Governors. Safeguarding & Attendance Link                                             Governor

Brad Turner:            Parent Governor. Science and ICT Link Governor.

Steve Dewey:          Finance & Maths Link Governor.

Angela Matthews:   Mentor to new governors. Thrive Link Governor.

Lizzie Williamson:   Parent governor. English, Wider Curriculum and

                                  Sustainable Living Link Governor.

Laura Parsons:       SEND & Art Link Governor.

Donna Newport:     Staff Governor. Attendance, Thrive Manager and

                                 Behaviour Governor.

Andrew Johnson:   Headteacher.

Ellie Doyle:              Clerk to the Governors

No member of the Governing Body has any business or
financial interest in the school currently.

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Every maintained school in the country has Governors who operate and make decisions as a group to ensure the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are defined. We also monitor the School Development Plan and the progress the school is making. We support and challenge the Headteacher and staff to ensure the best education for the children at the school. Additionally, we ensure the money coming into the school is spent appropriately for the benefit of the children. We are not involved with the day to day running of the school, that is the job of the Headteacher and staff.



We work together as a Full Governing Body, meeting together monthly to look at all aspects of school life including safeguarding and child protection, inclusion, the progress of pupils in receipt of pupil premium and pupils with special educational needs, the level of finance, health and safety issues, the curriculum and attendance.



All the Governors also have a Link responsibility in school for which we make visits so we can build an effective working relationship with staff and have a better understanding of how teachers work and children learn.  Our findings help us to make judgements about progress being made towards the school priorities and targets in the School Development Plan.  It helps us to recognise success and celebrate the efforts and progress of pupils and staff and to identify areas for development.  It also helps Governors to develop a positive link with staff and pupils to maintain a visible profile in the school.  Visits are not about making judgements on the quality of teaching or checking individual children’s progress, but to be a source of support and a critical friend of the school.  At present we have Link Governors for English, Maths, Science, Thrive, Wider Curriculum, ICT, Sustainable Living, Assessment, Foundation Stage, Pupil Premium, Inclusion/SEND, Attendance, Safeguarding and Child Protection.

If you would like to know more about any of the above, please let us know by contacting the School Office. We will be only too happy to have a chat with you.

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