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Meet Our New Y6 Sports Leaders

Recently our latest batch of new year 6 Sports Leaders (Elliot B, Erin B, Maggie B, Levi H, Robyn S, Lucy K, Rory M-M & Sophia B - pictured) received their training for the year ahead at the Primary Leaders training academy very kindly hosted by the Wey Valley Tennis Centre with sports coaches supplied by Weymouth college and Active Dorset. All the Conifers attendees had an excellent day learning a multitude of exciting playground games to bring back to school. They also fully engaged in the art of being a good sports leader and were a real credit to Conifers for the whole day showing excellent teamwork, sportsmanship, pride and determination - the perfect embodiment of the sporting values we are trying to achieve here at Conifers. They all rose to the challenge magnificently and I know we now have an excellent group of leaders primed and ready for action this year. Following their training, they plan to organise some excellent lunchtime sports entertainment, weekly whole school sports challenges and possibly even early morning exercise classes before school and even a blindfolded football club so watch this space in January when they get the plans up and running.


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