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Primary Futures at Conifers

At Conifers we are currently involved in the Primary Futures project in Dorset. The project is aiming to broaden the ideas and aspirations of children in relation to their future careers.

On the morning of Monday 20th September, we had a virtual assembly led by members of the Primary Futures team. We were joined by three professionals and the children had to guess their jobs. There was a project manager, a contact lens optician and a lady who worked as a network engineer for Facebook. The children loved the assembly and took away a lot of good ideas and advice. These were the 3 main bits of advice from our career volunteers.

1. Choose a job you will enjoy, and study hard and pay attention in school.

2. Do something you enjoy and never stop trying. If you don’t know how to do something, keep trying because eventually you will understand.

3. Say yes to opportunities which come your way, even if they feel scary! Don’t be scared to do new things!


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